The Enneagram Map
The Enneagram (“ennea” is Greek for nine) is a map that indicates the core internal structure of our character. It reveals nine unique perspectives and ways humans filter information, nine distinct drivers for reactivity, as well as the automatic patterns and internal stories associated with the nine Enneagram types. No type is better or worse than another type, and we retain the same type throughout our lives. However, behaviors do change and shift as we become more self-aware. The Enneagram Map indicates specific ways we go on automatic. And, we can consciously use the inherent strengths of our type to stretch beyond its patterns and habits that limit our perception, our personal growth and professional development.
The Enneagram brings to consciousness “why we do what we do.” While other personality systems describe and work with behaviors, only the Enneagram goes beneath behavior to the driving motivation. It identifies each type’s basic first placement of attention and it’s resulting blind spot. This awareness opens deep possibility for change as well as broadened perspective.
Deepening self- awareness enhances our emotional intelligence and we develop a more intimate working relationship with ourselves as well as the ability to see others as they are to themselves rather through our projections. We become more aware of our impact on others, how we get in our own way, and learn balance in using our strengths. Judgments soften to curiosity and compulsions shift to compassion as we engage with those with whom we work and live.
Three Centers of Intelligence
Additionally, the Enneagram System honors that we have three brains or centers of intelligence: head or thinking center, heart or feeling center, and body the center of sensing. Depending on our Enneagram type, one of these is our lead intelligence. Knowing that our lead center shapes our communication, decision-making and problem solving, we can inquire with our other two centers of intelligence for more full knowing.
Types 5, 6, & 7 rely first on mental faculties (the brain in our heads) and know through logic, reason and analysis. These types are information oriented. The heart center types are 2, 3,4 and they are relationship oriented and know first through mood, tone and feeling. Types 8, 9, 1 lead with body intelligence or gut instinct. They are fairness oriented.